Friday, August 21, 2009

Technology Integration

Before I took Learning Through Technology, I fully intended on integrating technology in my future lessons. I thought that my knowledge of available technology was sufficient enough to reinforce lesson plans I used or projects I wanted to assign. However, this class has allowed me to become aware of my ignorance! I really had no idea of the vast amount of tools that are accessible through the web.

As I have mentioned in a previous blog, I haven’t quite gotten a hold of building my PLN/PLC. However, I have it in mind to keep up with blogs that I currently follow, for I have found a couple so far that have given me an extensive amount of tools, hints and websites. This information is valuable, not only to my future teaching career, but will also be useful during my own scholastic projects.

My new awareness and knowledge of what exists out there definitely motivates me to use more technology in the classroom. I think because technology advances at such a rapid rate, there’s going to be an advantage for students whose teachers provide them with current tools and skills. Not only will computers and electronics contribute to a quality lesson, but will also make the students more proficient in the kinds of equipment used in a variety of jobs.

I think using technology engages students in a way that books and lectures can’t achieve. Sure, I actually like reading in order to absorb information, but I honestly don’t think I can expect the current generation of children to learn how I learned. I believe today patience is a dying quality, at least when it comes to obtaining information. With cell phones in every pocket, computers and everything on-demand, I imagine it may be harder for today’s student to learn without technology. I want to keep the children engaged and I intend to do so using any podcasts, websites, web tools, programs, streaming videos, voicethreads, web maps and animations I can get my hands on. As long as I can apply the tools to the frameworks, I will present the children with as much technology and I can.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My PLN journey

So, I’m not going to lie. I kind of don’t really get it yet. I just started my grad program, so I’m no where near being a teacher yet, which also means I have no idea what to look for in my PLN. I suppose just becoming more aware of tools that are out there is very helpful. Perhaps when I am a teacher I’ll be able to apply some of these things to a lesson. I guess right now, I’m having a little trouble seeing the “big picture.” I have every intention of expanding my PLN, just because you never know when some of these things can come in handy. If I continue to keep myself relatively current with the available technologies and web tools out there, that will make me a more effective teacher in the long run. As of right now, I use Facebook but that’s on a personal level. I’m still trying to figure out blogs, tweets, nings, and podcasts etc. Once I have been in the program longer and have established my “roots” in my PLN, I will be able to use it more efficiently. As of right now, I feel kind of like I’m lost in a foreign country!