Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My PLN journey

So, I’m not going to lie. I kind of don’t really get it yet. I just started my grad program, so I’m no where near being a teacher yet, which also means I have no idea what to look for in my PLN. I suppose just becoming more aware of tools that are out there is very helpful. Perhaps when I am a teacher I’ll be able to apply some of these things to a lesson. I guess right now, I’m having a little trouble seeing the “big picture.” I have every intention of expanding my PLN, just because you never know when some of these things can come in handy. If I continue to keep myself relatively current with the available technologies and web tools out there, that will make me a more effective teacher in the long run. As of right now, I use Facebook but that’s on a personal level. I’m still trying to figure out blogs, tweets, nings, and podcasts etc. Once I have been in the program longer and have established my “roots” in my PLN, I will be able to use it more efficiently. As of right now, I feel kind of like I’m lost in a foreign country!


  1. i definitely understand where you are coming from liz. there is so much information and it is extremely overwhelming to process it all and try to make it worthwhile for a future career as an educator.

  2. Hi Liz ...

    I get it ... I understand where you are comming from competely. It just seems like it is something that is so time consuming right now, especially for us as students while we are trying to keep our heads above the water with classwork, work, families, and everything else we have going on. Maybe as it starts to sink in and become more natural it will seem less like work and more enjoyable. Let's hope!

  3. I very much agree with your perspective. It is very intimidating to build a PLN when you are just in the beginning of your studies. My point of view is very similar—how much of a network is it, really, if you are not participating? I’m sure all the pieces will come together for both of us one day, and then we’ll be thankful for the background we have gained in these eleven weeks.

  4. I agree, too. This whole PLN thing is a bit intimidating. I think that it will get easier as time goes on. As we become teachers and meet more people, our PLN's will grow and we will laugh at the days that they scared us!
